Category: Security

  • 20 Steps to Children’s Ministry Safety for Your Church Plant

    20 Steps to Children’s Ministry Safety for Your Church Plant

    Children’s ministry safety in your church plant is serious business. But it doesn’t have to be mysterious. Here are 20 practical steps to stellar children’s ministry safety: No question, Jesus holds children in high regard. I’d say that churches in the US do, too, though we haven’t historically done the best collective job at protecting…

  • Don’t Forget to take a Facility Tour Checklist!

    Don’t Forget to take a Facility Tour Checklist!

    It’s easy to forget to check for some key items when you take a tour of a potential worship facility. Here are 6 things you should include on your facility tour checklist. It often goes like this: you make an appointment with the management to check out a potential worship facility. It has promise, but…

  • 3 Reasons to Coordinate Benevolence with Your Community

    3 Reasons to Coordinate Benevolence with Your Community

    Churches don’t stand alone in their communities. Here are 3 great reasons to coordinate benevolence with other groups in your community. Church benevolence programs often take the form of helping with groceries, paying utility bills, providing clothes, etc. Those are the kinds of needs that other groups are probably already addressing in your community. Avoid…

  • Free Church Employee Personnel File Checklist

    Free Church Employee Personnel File Checklist

    As I started creating this church employee personnel file checklist, I was completely blown away by the level of complexity it requires. I thought this was going to be a easy one. Good thing I did the work for you! I quickly ran into all kinds of rules, laws and other concerns about personnel files.…

  • How to Form a Church Security Team

    How to Form a Church Security Team

    Forming a church security team is an important part of your church emergency response plan. Having even a small team of trained people is as important as the plan itself. I used to work as a bank teller, handling cash day in and day out. We had regular training on robbery awareness and planning. The…

  • 4 Keys to Creating a Church Emergency Response Plan

    4 Keys to Creating a Church Emergency Response Plan

    How does your church plant go about creating a church emergency response plan? There are 4 keys to having a solid plan in place. Gone are the days of burying our heads in the sand. I know this is a potentially touchy subject, but it’s one that every church needs to put at least some…

  • Avoid these Grand Opening Bottlenecks

    Avoid these Grand Opening Bottlenecks

    You’ve been praying, dreaming & planning about the launch of your church plant for years and now the day is approaching. Be sure your plans include contingencies for these very likely grand opening bottlenecks. Grand opening bottlenecks are caused by the spike in attendance created by your grand opening celebration. You’ve had a growing team…

  • Insuring Church Plant Trailers

    Insuring Church Plant Trailers

    part 3 in a 4-part series on church plant insurance issues: You’re a mobile church and you tote equipment to and from your rented worship facility every week in a trailer. Even if you already have a church plant insurance policy, they don’t include insuring church plant trailers in the standard policy. Here are a…

  • Use a Password Manager

    With the advent of Web 2.0 and all of our apps being in the Cloud, I’m sure your online accounts have multiplied exponentially like mine. Now mine’s an extreme case, perhaps, because I work with so many planters all the time. But I just crossed the 1,000 logins mark. Yeah, like I’m going to remember…