Category: Conferences & Workshops
Exponential East Main Session 3: The Practice of DISCIPLE MULTIPLYING
The practice of disciple multiplying is a shift from sharing what I’ve learned to add followers to sharing what I’ve learned in ways that multiply disciples to the fourth generation. This is a shift in sharing where you not only share what you know to help others follow Jesus, but also share your life and…
Exponential East Main Session 1: The Practice of MULTIPLICATION THINKING
The practice of multiplication thinking is a shift from thinking ministry happens through my own leadership to thinking ministry happens through multiplied leaders. This is a shift: move from thinking that the best way to maximize ministry is through your own efforts to understanding that it is through developing the leadership of others. Jesus practiced…
How to Eat for FREE at Exponential East 2018
Free is a church planter’s love language, right? Why wouldn’t you want to eat for free at Exponential? Kidding aside, there will be lots of great church planting groups, tribes & organizations at Exponential East 2018 from Feb 26 – Mar 1 in Orlando. I kept seeing these invites for free info-meeting meals and thought…
2 Ingenious Church Plant Launch Team Ideas
Are you looking for ways to maximize the growth and participation of your Launch Team? Consider these 2 ingenious church plant launch team ideas: Relive the Moment HD video recording technology is now in most of our smart phones. Use a mobile device or video camera to record your Launch Team meetings! Then you can…
Exponential East 2016 Main Session 4
This mini-series is a summary of my notes from the Exponential East 2016 Main Sessions. Tension of Methods Speakers: Cynthia Marshall, Albert Tate, Mark Batterson In this session, we’ll explore three specific multiplication tensions that center on actual execution and the difficult decisions leaders will have to address and resolve” Exponential East 2016 Main Session…
Exponential East 2016 Main Session 3
This mini-series is a summary of my notes from the Exponential East 2016 Main Sessions. Tension of Measurement Speakers: J.D. Greear, Ajai Lall, Ralph Moore, Dave Furgerson Once you resolve the tension of motives, you will continually face the tension of measurement: Will you be only about growing your church or will you also be…
Exponential East 2016 Main Session 2
This mini-series is a summary of my notes from the Exponential East 2016 Main Sessions. Tension of Motives Speakers: Dave Dummitt, Ryan Kwon, Andy Hawthorne In this session, we’ll turn our attention from assessing our current reality to the specific tensions of multiplication that leaders face.” Exponential East 2016 Main Session 2 Focus on Here…
Exponential East 2016 Main Session 1
This mini-series is a summary of my notes from the Exponential East 2016 Main Sessions. Becoming a Level 5 Church Speakers: Erwin McManus, Ed Stetzer, Jon Ferguson The opening session will set the stage for the week’s conversation and introduce the 5 levels of multiplication addressed in the theme book Becoming a Level Five Multiplying…