Tag: videos

  • 10 Things to Consider When Shooting Church Staff Video Bios

    10 Things to Consider When Shooting Church Staff Video Bios

    As you’re building the website for your church plant, you should consider including church staff video bios instead of just pictures on your staff page. Staff Pages Rank High Most people will check out a church’s website before their first visit. But which pages do they hit when they’re deciding whether or not to come?…

  • Easy Ideas to Create Church Facebook Page Content

    Easy Ideas to Create Church Facebook Page Content

    It can be a part-time job to create church Facebook page content, but it has become an indispensable part of establishing your church plant online and in your community. The first and best thing you can do for your church Facebook page is posting interesting and useful content. “Content is King” has become such a…

  • 3 Ways to Train Church Plant Launch Team

    3 Ways to Train Church Plant Launch Team

    Over the summer, you church planters shooting for a fall launch will be gathering people and shaping them into a launch team. Considering all the ministry teams you’ll be forming, you’re going to need help making sure the right people have the right skills to do the various jobs that need to happen to see…