Category: Web
Top DIY Church Website Options
If you’re on a budget and find WordPress confusing, there are several other DIY church website options. I’ve leaned into this a little harder recently because I continue to get calls for help from confused pastors who just can’t figure out their WordPress sites. I know all the arguments about its unparalleled power and customizabilitiness. […]
Do We Need a Church Website Privacy Policy? (including GDPR update)
A church website privacy policy would be a page on your website that explains how your church collects personal information and how you use it. Even an initial site for your supporters might be set up to collect information. Most church websites offer some or all of the following data collection forms: Email newsletter signup […]
How to Sync Church Calendars to Save Your Sanity
Ever get sick of having to create the same church event over and over on different platforms? If only you could sync church calendars so you only had to enter each event once! It usually goes like this: you’ve planned an event for your church plant. It’s going to be awesome. You need to get […]