Tag: benevolence

  • 3 Reasons to Coordinate Benevolence with Your Community

    3 Reasons to Coordinate Benevolence with Your Community

    Churches don’t stand alone in their communities. Here are 3 great reasons to coordinate benevolence with other groups in your community. Church benevolence programs often take the form of helping with groceries, paying utility bills, providing clothes, etc. Those are the kinds of needs that other groups are probably already addressing in your community. Avoid…

  • 7 Church Benevolence System Basics

    7 Church Benevolence System Basics

    There are some church benevolence system basics you need to think through before you field your first request for help. Make decisions about each of the following: Establish a purpose Pray about it and search the scriptures. God has a lot to say about generosity and helping those less fortunate. You need to have a…

  • Who Should Your Benevolence System Help?

    Who Should Your Benevolence System Help?

    A benevolence system is all about people. But who should it help? At the end of the day, it’s a people process through and through. And there are several categories of people that your benevolence system could help: People from the Community Turns out that this is the least agreed-upon group of people. Not because…

  • How to Create a Church Plant Benevolence System

    How to Create a Church Plant Benevolence System

    As you get connected in your community, sooner or later someone will contact you for help with a utility bill or car repair. What are you going to do about church plant benevolence when it comes up? There are lots of scriptural mandates around the concept of benevolence, including Jesus’ parable about the eternal reward…

  • Don’t Lose Your Church Tax Exempt Status

    Don’t Lose Your Church Tax Exempt Status

    The following is a guest post by my friend and operations guru, Greg Hubbard. He helps church planters through his ministry at the Orchard Group which focuses on planting churches in global cities. Churches frequently pay money to people out of a desire to be helpful and gracious. But you have to be careful when…