Category: Social Media

  • 4 Ways Churches Fail on Social Media

    4 Ways Churches Fail on Social Media

    The following is a guest post by church social media guru, Andrew Spikes. He helps church planters through his ministry at, which focuses on full-service social media management and maximizing online ads. When you use social media correctly, you can have a huge impact on your community. Many churches and companies have grown solely…

  • What is a Church Plant Preview Service?

    What is a Church Plant Preview Service?

    Before your new church makes a splash with its Grand Opening, you need to run at least 4 church plant preview services. I started learning about preview services before I even got into church planting ministry. Many years ago, I was on staff at a bank as we opened a brand-new branch on the other…

  • Why Your Church Should Send Out Temporary Launch Team Members

    Why Your Church Should Send Out Temporary Launch Team Members

    It can be scary for the sending church to send out temporary launch team members to help a church plant. But it can be a blessing to that church, the workers, and to the church plant. The Kingdom Math There are no guarantees in ministry. But I have seen this pattern: both the church plant…

  • How to Claim Your Online Church Listings

    How to Claim Your Online Church Listings

    You need to claim your online church listings so that you can control what is displayed and moderate ratings and reviews. Sooner or later, your church plant will show up in online directories like Yelp and Google Maps. Where does that information come from? How do they decide who is the rightful representative of your…

  • Get Your People to Post Online Church Ratings

    Get Your People to Post Online Church Ratings

    Having your team post online church ratings could make the difference between whether someone decides to visit your church gatherings or not. Have you ever looked up ratings for restaurants or contractors online? I have. I want to know something about the reputation and track record of that establishment before I go any further. Why…

  • 3 Online Ideas for Connecting in Your Community

    3 Online Ideas for Connecting in Your Community

    Planting a church is about building relationships, and many friendships start online these days. Here are 3 online ideas for connecting in your community. So many of us are living in ever-growing metros and densely-populated areas, and yet we seem to have never felt so isolated and alone. Use all the tools at your disposal…

  • Get These 3 Free Products from Google for Nonprofits

    Get These 3 Free Products from Google for Nonprofits

    Google has plenty of free* products generally, but there are a few premium services they offer only to qualifying nonprofits. Check out these 3 free things you get from Google for Nonprofits: This just in: since publishing this post, I’ve discovered that Google for Nonprofits has recently updated their process. Now you must register with…

  • Get These 12 Church Logo Files from Your Designer

    Get These 12 Church Logo Files from Your Designer

    As part of the branding process, you’ll be working with a designer to create a logo. When it’s finalized, you’ll want to get these 12 church logo files from your designer. You’re going to need to use your church logo in lots of different ways. You’d be surprised at what a challenge that can be.…

  • 3 Tools to Claim Consistent Social Usernames

    3 Tools to Claim Consistent Social Usernames

    As you’re creating the brand for your new church plant, one of your challenges will be to claim consistent social usernames. Learn from my mistake. I already have this problem: On Twitter I’m @plantingtactics And on Instagram I’m @plantingtactics But on Facebook I’m /churchplantingtactics And sadly on Google Plus I’m /113079890154934621964 (I think that means…