Category: Metrics & Goals
3 Ways to Help Your Grand Opening Well-Wishers Help You
Your Launch Sunday attendance will be inflated by grand opening well-wishers. That can be good and bad at the same time. Here are some ideas to maximize the good and minimize the bad. Many churches experience a spike in attendance at their inaugural public worship gathering. Which can be exciting! But then the following Sunday,…
Isn’t Collecting Church Metrics Unspiritual? It Depends…
I’ve heard objections over the years about collecting church metrics. The hardest one to wrestle down is this: counting things at church is somehow sinful, prideful, or otherwise unspiritual. I’ve seen collecting church metrics result in fueling excitement, growth and outreach. I’ve seen it send pastors into depression and kill the morale of a Launch…
Church Metrics will Help You Avoid this Mistake
Measuring a few important things on a church metrics scorecard will help you in a few important ways. Not the least of which is keeping you from making myth-based decisions. Years ago on a plane ride, I watched a documentary about the invention of the M16 rifle. I thought it was a completely random time-filler,…
How to Decide Between a Fall and Spring Church Plant Launch
It is generally acknowledged that there are 2 best windows for a church plant launch in the US: fall (Sep/Oct) and spring (Feb/Mar). How will you decide? The windows work kind of like a space shuttle landing – in its day, it couldn’t come down just anywhere. It had to wait for the window to…
When to Push Back Church Launch
Church planting never goes quite like you think it’s going to. Some things will go better than you’ve imagined. Other things will be harder. A few planters will have to decide whether to push back church launch. What I mean by pushing back launch is punting until the next launch season, like from fall to…
When Does a Management Team Win?
What is the end game for a church plant Management Team? When does a Management Team win? Understanding the Management Team win is important in recruiting team members and in keeping everyone shooting at the same target. You’ll have a Management Team for several years and even the best teams can experience mission drift. A…
How to Capture Names Without Seeming Pushy
The following is a guest post from Don Corder of The Provisum Group, a friend in ministry that shares my heart for making church management and administration easier for pastors. Figuring out how to capture names without seeming pushy is key. In 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote one of the best books ever written on forming…
What to Leave Off your Church Connection Card
The church connection card has been around for decades. They even predate churches using computers. Here’s a question – is your church connection card still asking the same questions as those old cards we used to grab from the back of the pew and fill out with the golf pencil? Current generations are less trusting…