Category: Discipleship
Call Me Back When You’re a Real Church
If you haven’t heard this response yet in your church planting journey, you will: “Call me back when you’re a real church.” Have a plan to address this before you’re hit with it. Oh, they never say it exactly like that. But when you invite someone to get involved in the church plant before you […]
How to Feed Those Who Are Just Not Getting Fed Anymore
The following is a guest post by Barry Smith of YouChoose.Community, a friend, veteran church planter, assessor, coach, author and nonprofit founder. We’ve all heard it, and it can be paralyzing: “I’m just not getting fed anymore!” It’s a dagger to the heart. It’s the comment that breaks the pastor’s back. The phrase that makes […]
Church Metrics will Help You Avoid this Mistake
Measuring a few important things on a church metrics scorecard will help you in a few important ways. Not the least of which is keeping you from making myth-based decisions. Years ago on a plane ride, I watched a documentary about the invention of the M16 rifle. I thought it was a completely random time-filler, […]
Exponential East Main Session 3: The Practice of DISCIPLE MULTIPLYING
The practice of disciple multiplying is a shift from sharing what I’ve learned to add followers to sharing what I’ve learned in ways that multiply disciples to the fourth generation. This is a shift in sharing where you not only share what you know to help others follow Jesus, but also share your life and […]
Maximize Your Time by Creating an Audience Filter
If God has called you to reach a certain people group or subculture in your community, you can create an audience filter to run into those people in higher concentrations. Years ago I heard a tongue-in-cheek radio commercial promoting the station’s business reporter. The voice was threatening to sue because the reporter’s hard-hitting journalism had […]
4 Steps to Church Planter Soul Care
The following is a guest post by my new friend in ministry, Tony Nelson. He is a Regional Director for the Christian Evangelistic Association, a Co-Founder with his wife of Refuge-Idaho (a pastor-care retreat), and a seasoned church planter soul care practitioner. Let’s face it. Planting a church is a daunting task. I know. I […]
7 Church Benevolence System Basics
There are some church benevolence system basics you need to think through before you field your first request for help. Make decisions about each of the following: Establish a purpose Pray about it and search the scriptures. God has a lot to say about generosity and helping those less fortunate. You need to have a […]