Category: Coaching
4 Steps to Church Planter Soul Care
The following is a guest post by my new friend in ministry, Tony Nelson. He is a Regional Director for the Christian Evangelistic Association, a Co-Founder with his wife of Refuge-Idaho (a pastor-care retreat), and a seasoned church planter soul care practitioner. Let’s face it. Planting a church is a daunting task. I know. I […]
Why You Need Church Plant Training AND Coaching
Getting church plant training and having a church planting coach are both critical support structures as you embark on planting a new church. But they are incomplete without each other. I used to play with Legos®️. A lot. I loved to spill out all the pieces on the carpet and sit in the middle of […]
3 Ways a Church Planting Coach Helps You
Even if you’ve planted before, having a church planting coach is indispensable in working through the crazy-hard complexity of getting a new church started. A church planting coach isn’t the same thing as a mentor, trainer, advisor or project manager. You may need people in all of those other roles, too, but a church planting […]