Tag: website design
Use This 1 Trick to Pick Church Software
All of the choices that available in just about every category can make it confusing when you have to pick church software. This one trick will bring the most clarity and make your decision easier. The church planters I support ask me from time to time which software in a given category is best: church […]
Top DIY Church Website Options
If you’re on a budget and find WordPress confusing, there are several other DIY church website options. I’ve leaned into this a little harder recently because I continue to get calls for help from confused pastors who just can’t figure out their WordPress sites. I know all the arguments about its unparalleled power and customizabilitiness. […]
Pros and Cons of a WordPress Church Website
As you plan your church plant website, you’ll have to decide which software to build it with. Consider these pros and cons of a WordPress church website. I’ve helped scores of church planters get started on their websites. The most popular site building software has been WordPress. A WordPress Church Website Has Advantages …including: Low […]
3 Church Plant Website Stages You Need to Transition Through
Once you get to the launch of your regular worship gatherings, your church plant website will have gone through several stages. Plan ahead for these 3 church plant website stages so you can transition intentionally instead of accidentally. Your major church plant website stages will take their cues from your changing audience. Whenever you’re writing […]