Amazon is generous to nonprofits. Here are some ideas to maximize 3 of their Amazon nonprofit programs for your church.
Two of the three programs may require you to have your 501c3 Determination Letter back from the IRS. So if you haven’t already filed, here’s yet another reason to take care of that early in the church planting process.
Amazon Giveaway
OK, so this one isn’t just for nonprofits, but it has lots of potential: Amazon Giveaway.
Amazon Giveaway provides an easy three-step setup for creating engaging and interactive instant win and random draw sweepstakes promotions.”
Basic instructions:
- Select a prize (and arrange for payment)
- Set up the contest
- Promote it
- Notify the winner and export everyone’s answers and email addresses
You could use this for community surveys at your booth at the fair or for fun giveaways at an event you host.
Amazon Smile
This one really is just for nonprofits: Amazon Smile
Amazon customers specify in advance (just once) who their nonprofit of choice is, then a portion of Amazon’s profits from their purchases get donated right to your church as a charity.
…when customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers…”
Basic instructions:
- Register as a nonprofit
- Encourage friends, family and congregants to select your church as their charity
- Make sure they shop at (not the regular site)
- Donations automatically get deposited to the church bank account
Depending on how many people you get to select your church as their charity, this could amount to hundreds of dollars every year.
Amazon Tax Exemption Program
This one requires that you’ve already applied for sales tax exemption in your state: ATEP
With the Amazon Tax Exemption Program (ATEP), you may be eligible to use your tax exempt status for future purchases from…”
Basic instructions:
- Get your 501c3 Determination Letter
- Apply for sales tax exemption with your state
- Register with ATEP and upload documents
- Enjoy purchasing things for the church without having to pay sales tax
Depending on how much you purchase through Amazon, this could save you hundreds of dollars in sales tax every year.
Start Sooner Rather than Later
Because the last two have so much pre-work, you won’t be able to take advantage of them from Day One. So lean in a little on the government paperwork so that you can maximize these 3 Amazon nonprofit programs for your church as soon as possible.